Shawn Lazar

How can I go to heaven when I die?

Shawn Lazar Vs Saiko Woods: Free Grace or Lordship Salvation? EP 267

LOTUS: Occupational Election vs Unconditional Election (Interview w/Shawn Lazar)

Shawn Lazar @GESvids Illustrates How Ridiculous Lordship Salvation Is #freegrace

Shawn Lazar @GESvids Explains What Works In Christianity Are Really For #freegrace

Can you know who is a Christian by looking at their works?

EPBC Guest Speaker | Shawn Lazar | El Paso Bible Church

Bob Wilkin. Shawn Lazar. Demon faith.

Eternal Security, Assurance, Rewards, and More! (Interview w/Shawn Lazar)

Grace and the Gospel - An Interview With Shawn Lazar

Beyond Doubt by Shawn Lazar Book Review

What is the will of the father?

Gene Kim, Robert Breaker, Onorato Diamante, Jesse Martinez, Bob Wilkin, Shawn Lazar and Co.

Is Eternal Security (OSAS) the Same Thing As Calvinism’s Perseverance of the Saints (POTS)?

EPBC Guest Speaker | Shawn Lazar | El Paso Bible Church

Video Commentary on Bob Wilkin, Shawn Lazar, 'Free Grace,' OSAS

Bogus Ticket Punch Gospel of Grace Evangelical Society (GES) & Shawn Lazar - No Repentance Salvation

Free Grace Soteriology with Dr. Robert Wilkin and Shawn Lazar (Refuting Objections) || INTERVIEW

Chosen to Serve by Shawn Lazar Book Review

Can Dr. Bob Wilkin and Shawn Lazar 'PASS the MATH' test? Is Faith Alone/Only rational, mathological?

Profit and Loss with Lucas Kitchen and Shawn Lazar

Session 3 Shawn Lazar Verbality

Trust, Belief, and Faithfulness | A Response to Grace Evangelical Society

«La fe de los demonios» (Stg.2:19) | Shawn Lazar y Bob Wilkin